Welcome to the Northern Light District Page! Scouting is thriving here at the northern-most section of the Spirit of Adventure Council, where we are truly blessed to have an incredible community of active and enthusiastic adult volunteers and Scouters. Join us on our journey to provide one-in-a-lifetime growth and learning opportunities for our youth, and share in the magic we get to experience every day!
Have questions? See our volunteer staff contact list below, for answers regarding Unit Service, the Eagle Scout process, local Scouting activities, and more!
Interested in learning more about upcoming District and Council-level activities? Be sure to see our Full Council Calendar for all events! Like our Facebook Page!
Please join our Mailing List for weekly updates and info.
Already involved? Check out our Leader Resources for a variety of links and materials designed to make your lives easier!
Please contact the appropriate person in your district for any questions regarding District activities or events.
Upcoming Events
Monthly Events:
Roundtable: 2nd Monday of the month (September - August) at 7pm at Groveland Congregational Church, 4 King St., Groveland, MA. Contact nldbsactivities@comcast.net
Eagle Boards of Review: 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Market Street Baptist Church in Amesbury at 7:00-8:30pm. Contact josh.huston@gmail.com
Operations Meetings (Committee & Commissioner Staff): 1st Monday of the month via Zoom. Contact harvey.ing@verizon.net (District Committee) & nldbsactivities@comcast.net (Commissioner Staff)
Life to Eagle Conferences: As needed, on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Market Street Baptist Church in Amesbury. Registration in advance for this event is required. Contact josh.huston@gmail.com to register.
Upcoming Trainings
Northern Light District Committee
If contact information for a particular District Volunteer is not listed, please reach out to spiritofadventurecouncil@scouting.org for individual information.
Name | Position | |
Harvey Ing | District Chair | harvey.ing@verizon.net |
Paul Taylor | District Commissioner | nldbsactivities@comcast.net |
Greg Korzeb | Training Chair | gkorz2002@yahoo.com |
Paul Taylor | Activities Chair | nldbsactivities@comcast.net |
Open | Membership Chair | |
Josh Huston | Advancement Chair | josh.huston@gmail.com |
Josh Huston | Eagle Project Approval | josh.huston@gmail.com |
Scott Hellen | Special Needs and Disability Chair | scotthellen63@gmail.com |
Open | Camp Promotion – Cub Scout | |
Earl Svendsen | Nominating Chair | earlsvendsen@gmail.com |
Dan Logan | Roundtable Commissioner- Cub Scouts | DanInScouting@gmail.com |
James Venetsanakos | Roundtable Commissioner- Scouts BSA | NLDCommissioner@venetsanakos.name |
Northern Light District Commissioner Staff
Name | Position | |
Paul Taylor | District Commissioner | nldbsactivities@comcast.net |
Earl Svendsen | Assistant District Commissioner | earlsvendsen@gmail.com |
Charles Bruderer | Assistant District Commissioner | Charles.bruderer@gmail.com |
Scott Hellen | Assistant District Commissioner | scotthellen63@gmail.com |
Andy Pinard | Assistant District Commissioner | k.pinard@comcast.net |
Dawn Breen | Unit Commissioner | endbreen@aol.com |
Jeff Keeton | Unit Commissioner | jeff.keeton@outlook.com |
Susan Robinson | Unit Commissioner | amesburyscouter@gmail.com |
Laurie Suda | Administrative Commissioner | lauriesuda@comcast.net |
Dan Logan | Roundtable Commissioner - Cub Scouts | daninscouting@gmail.com |
James Venetsanakos | Unit Commissioner & Roundtable Commissioner- Scouts BSA | NLDCommissioner@venetsanakos.name |
Paul Taylor | Roundtable Commissioner | nldbsactivities@comcast.net |
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