Thank you for considering making a donation to the campership fund. These funds are available to all Scouts and ensure that any Scout wishing to attend camp or participate in Scout programs can regardless of their family’s financial position. Last year we provided over $100,000 in camperships to Scouts from almost every one of our 76 communities and cities. Charitable contributions toward Camperships are restricted.
- Camperships help create equity for all communities.
By providing year-round program enhancements, the Scout council enables all Scouts to have access to all that Scouting has to offer. The curriculum is robust and allows each Scout to design their own individualized learning program based on their interests. However, for many the interests outpace the resources available in their community. The Base Camp offerings put everything from Ice climbing to robotics to civic engagement in the hands of ALL SCOUTS. The Campership programs creates that even playing field that all children deserve.
The Campership program seeks to increase the number of children enjoying outdoor experiences at Spirit of Adventure Council camps and programs by providing financial assistance to our members who wish to participate in our programs. To be eligible, a family must complete an application form, including details regarding family situation and Scouting participation.
It is expected that the family will fund some portion of the child's expense; the Council will strive to subsidize the remainder. As a rule of thumb, the Council is willing to support funding based on need.
* All applications must be received at least four weeks prior to the program - but the earlier the better and families will have a greater chance of larger disbursements the earlier they apply.
* All funds will be awarded based on need and available funds. All applications will be considered on a first come first served basis.
Scouts can fill out the Campership form to apply for financial assistance HERE.