Karyn Crouthamel uses what she learned in Wood Badge to create the following video on How to Teach Disability Awareness and Inclusion in a Positive and Constructive Way.
Cheryl Katon’s impossible decision
She loved leading the Boy Scouts in Boston. But could the organization accept her as the trans woman she was? For the full Boston Globe article, CLICK HERE.
The Scouting Professional Who Quietly Advanced LGBTQ+ Inclusion, with Alison Batey
Before recently leaving her professional role in Scouting, Alison Batey helped make big strides for LGBTQ+ inclusion—but also came up against some lingering barriers. Listen to the podcast HERE.
Boy Scouts of America promueve una cultura en la que cada joven, voluntario y empleado siente un sentido de pertenencia y construye comunidades donde cada persona se siente respetada y valorada. Liderando con el ejemplo y animándonos mutuamente a vivir según los valores expresados en el Juramento Scout y la Ley Scout, damos la bienvenida a familias de todos los orígenes para ayudar a preparar a los jóvenes para servir como miembros y líderes exitosos de las comunidades cada vez más diversas de nuestra nación.
The Difference Scouting Makes
Listen to these Scouts share the difference Scouting has made in their lives in helping them to be prepared, develop leadership skills, and find a sense of belonging.
Volunteer Resource Groups
Scouting is families working together to help raise each other’s kids. The curriculum is the books, what the parents and leaders do with the lessons and activities is their unique program. Each unique program is a reflection of the values held by that community of families and their charter organization. The Scouting organization provides the curriculum and the resources to ensure each community can deliver their full and robust program. For more information about our VRGs, CLICK HERE.
Special Needs in Scouting: Join the Group!
Multi-cultural VRG: Join the Group!
LGBTQ+ in Scouting: Join the Group!
Women in Scouting and the outdoors: Join the Group!
Spirit of Adventure DEI Initiatives
The Spirit of Adventure Council has enlisted Sean Driscoll of BB Squared to provide insight to areas where we can improve Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. One of the ways is to create CFI (Catalyst for Inclusion) Cohort groups among our staff which will also include volunteers in the future.
The CFI Cohorts have helped to create the Volunteer Resource Groups, began spotlight days at New England Base Camp, and participated in offsite trips to learn more about specific groups.
If you or someone you know is interested in contributing to these initiatives, send us an email at spiritofadventurecouncil@scoutspirit.org.