It is recommended that once a scout reaches Life Rank, they participate in a Life-to-Eagle Workshop. If one is not available, please reach out to your District Advancement Chair.
Eagle Scout Links
- Eagle Scout Rank Process Overview
- Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook (be sure to download the workbook and application before filling out as changes will not be saved when working online)
- Eagle Scout Rank Application
- Scholarships for Eagle Scouts
Once a Scout has completed the steps for Eagle Scout, they should reach out to the District Advancement Chair.
GE – Greg Paul
WW – Neil Thomas - Click Here for WW District Eagle Procedure
FL – Joshua Kline
NL – Josh Huston
SOL – Scott Barvick
GBH – Bob Wanamaker
BOF – Mark Svendsen
Any questions about the Eagle process can be directed to Lily Xu at Nannan.Xu@scouting.org.