Enhancing the Scouting Experience for Everyone– The Catalyst Fund
Scouting is parents working together to help raise each other’s kids.
Scouting (or the Council) provides the curriculum and resources to enable parents to deliver their unique program.
This simple interpretation has led the Spirit of Adventure Council to the creation of Base Camp and a new service model that has brought sweeping changes over the years. By looking at the core of the Scouting program as “families working together” it loosened the resources to be utilized and delivered differently. It enabled us to provide a more equitable service to all families. This simple definition has helped us unlock Scouting for all families. Regardless of the skills and talents available to any given Scout in their community, through this methodology, all opportunities are available to all Scouts. Today, in light of the Coronavirus, the new service model shows itself to be even more versatile than we ever realized. Here are the delivery techniques the Council uses to provide program enhancements for all Scouts.
Base Camps and Express

The original in Milton and now additional Base Camp facilities are popping up all over New England, Saugus MA, Cranston RI and Express programs. Base Camp is a concept that provides all aspects of the Scouting curriculum to everyone, in that vein we provide every aspect of Scouting and the outdoors and are open everyday. At Base Camp, you can learn to swim, shot an arrow, rock or ice climb, cook outdoors or pick from any number of adventures and skills. Read More.
Base Camp Online

Developed as a temporary solution to the Coronavirus, Base Camp Online offers great experiences and resources for all children and youth. The resources include merit badges / proficiency classes, follow along you tube videos, digital den meetings, downloadable activities and the speaker series. These online programs and resources are used to enhance typical unit program, or in conjunction with other Base camp programs. Read More.
Base Camp On the Go

To assist den leaders with program delivery, we’ve developed den kits as a library service through our facilities in Woburn and Milton. These kits contain everything an adult need to capture and hold the interest of a 8 or so children of the same age. We’ve expanded this segment to include every physical item needed to deliver your program. Kits can be checked out or used at camp. The program kits provide the core resources for local day camps and satellites. Read More.
Support through the Catalyst Fund
Rebuilding a legacy organization is complicated work. It’s critical to maintain the best and effective traditions while creating space for new families. We are doing all this while serving current needs and adapting to our changing American society. The Base Camp model elegantly resolves these puzzles and makes Scouting accessible to all children and families. Please consider supporting the Future of Scouting by making a restricted contribution toward the development of this new sustainable model to support Scouting and all families.
The Catalyst Fund Supports
- Development of program and resources through the Base Camp model
- The work to maintain while retrofitting the legacy support structures
- Our inclusion and diversity efforts
Recognition for contributions vary greatly. All contributors receive a commemorative patch, large contributions may be entitled to naming rights at the Base camp or other location. Recognition for contributions in honor of a legacy Scouter go toward the legacy courtyard and enable us to memorialize that Scouter’s individual contribution.