
Scouting is parents working together to help raise each other’s kids.

The curriculum of Scouting - the Scout Handbook - provides the activities that are fun for kids while they instill character, leadership, citizenship and  fitness.

Boston Globe Article

Check out this article written in the Boston Globe, entitled "Girls Scouting for more Adventure." This article features Pack 30 Manchester, one of our early adopter units of Family Scouting!

Read Article

Blog Post

Check out this blog post entitled, "Welcome to Your Scouting Journey," about how parents are in charge of their own scout's experience! Scouting is the curriculum and resources that parents and volunteers use along their journey!

Read Blog

Read more about the Tufts Camp Study and the evidence that Scouting Works!

How do I sign up?

  1. TRY IT OUT BEFORE YOU JOIN! - Visit New England Base Camp
    • This unique outdoor adventure family park is Powered By Scouting!
    • Come and do all the things Scouts do – no strings attached!
    • If at the end of the day you and your family decide to join, you’ll receive discounts on your Scout Membership and discounts on future visits
    • Scouting is Community Parenting.
    • A local mom or dad is running a Cub Scout Pack, Boy Scout Troop, or Venturing Crew in your town!
    • Use to find that parent and send them an email.

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Weekly articles from parents, Scouts, volunteer leaders, and staff about the value of Scouting and the activities.

Read about youth development, community parenting, outdoor skills, leadership and how it all comes together!

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