Adventure On!
Nothing highlights the fun and excitement of Scouting like being in the outdoors. Whether it’s daycamp, summer camp, or a fall camporee, getting outside is what kids want to do! And no one does ”the outdoors” better than the BSA. Let’s help new families join the fun. With these recruiting materials, invite families to join us in the outdoors as we #AdventureOn!

Did you know the Council will print recruiting flyers for your unit for free? Order your flyers!
Order printed flyers for your schools or community with info about your joining events. Don’t know how many flyers you need? Just EMAIL us and we can help!

Lawn Signs and Blank Flyers are available at the Woburn Service Center and at New England Base Camp in Milton.
Questions? Contact Jennifer Erickson, Membership Campaign Manager
'Bring a Buddy' Event Cub Scout Invitations
Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA are encouraged to hold events, parties, ice cream socials, etc. where they invite a friend to join them and give their friends a taste of Scouting!
2024 Membership Fees
(effective April 1, 2024)
- Youth Registration Fee $85
- Adventure Card Fee $48
- Scouts Life (optional) $15
- Adult Registration Fee $65
- Unit Charter/Accident Insurance Fee $100
- 3% handling fee
Online Registration is mandatory for registering.
Interested in starting a female troop or learning more about it? Here's what you need to know about who you need to recruit and when. Please click the link above.