Scout Carabiner

Scout Carabiner™

Scouting Boston is proud to release the “Scouting Carabiner” program. This Cub Scout focused program is designed to help Cub Scouts and their leaders three different ways-

  1. To serve as a way that Scouts can show off their accomplishments
  2. To provide instant recognition for what Scouts do, not just advancement
  3. To serve as a resource for leaders to assist them in running a successful Pack and Den

So how does it work? 

Each registered Cub Scout will receive a carabiner. Leaders can pick up the carabiners at Roundtable or at either New England Base Camp or the Woburn Scout Office. Each month, a new bag with the number of carabiners for new Cub Scouts that have registered the previous month will be put together.

Our goal is that all Cub Scouts will put the carabiners on their school backpacks. That way all their friends and teachers can see what they have been doing in Cub Scouts. Though it is not the direct purpose of this program, we hope that non-Scouts see everything that they get to do and choose to join Scouting as well.

What are the Tags?

In Cub Scouts, you have the official advancement. For this advancement, you get patches, belt loops, and in some cases medals. The tags are for things that the Cub Scout does, more than advancement. Advancement can be a part of it, but it does not have to. It can also be for attending a specific event, walk in a parade, sell popcorn, or help the needy. Those activities might be a piece of the advancement, but not usually the whole thing.

We launched this program on October 1, 2024. With the launch, we have 6 different tags that can be earned. Every two weeks between November 1st and December 31st, we will be launching a new tag. We will continue announcing new tags throughout the Scout calendar.

Where do you request them?

You can request the existing tags on the Scouting Boston website. When you request them, it will take 5 business days to bag them and have them ready. If you want them to be mailed to you, all you have to do is pay for the shipping. The tags themselves are included with your Adventure Card fee this year.

If you have an idea for a new tag, be sure to share that with us. We are adding new tags all the time and would love to hear what you have in mind.

How will this help me as a leader?

Cub Scouts are active. The idea is that we have set activities for you to do quickly and easily. With each tag, we hope to create resources to go along with the individual tags to help you plan and run the activity. This is supposed to help you as a leader. If you feel that this is adding stress to you as a leader and do not want to do it, that is ok. Give the carabiner to the Scouts. They may chose to go to activities like the Haunted Hike at Base Camp, an activity at Storer, or participate in the Ready Scout program.

Winter Fun Tag

Units can request these tags for participating in a winter activity.

Winter Fun-100

115th Anniversary Tag

Units can request these tags for learning about the history of your unit or Scouting in your area by interviewing someone associated with your unit.

115th for tag

Pinewood Derby Tag

Units can request these tags for participating in the Pinewood Derby.

Two pinewood derby cars on a track; Cub Scouts Handbook 2024 - Webelos Handbook

Ready Cub Tag

Units can request these tags for participating in the Ready Cub Program. For each patch ordered, a tag will also be sent.


Recruiting Tag

Units can request these tags for recruiting here (available after 12/1):

Join Scouts Recruiting Tag

Scouting for Food

Earned for participating in the Scouting for Food program. Order tags here:

Scouting For Food Tag

Storer Tag

Earned for attending a program at T.L. Storer, Barnstead, NH. Order tags here for program attended.

Storer Tag

Base Camp Tag

Earned for attending a program at New England Base Camp, Milton, MA. Order tags here for program attended.

Base Camp Tag

Previous Tags

Popcorn Tag

Earned for participating in the Council popcorn sale.


Veteran's Day Tag

Earned for participating in a Veteran's Day activity.

Veterans Day

Haunted Hike Tag

Earned by attending the Haunted Base Camp Hike on 10/26/2024.

Haunted Base Camp Tag

Ready Cub Tag

Can be earned from 9/27-11/27. To receive this tag, Cub Scout showin that Cub Scout knows the Six Essentials (Scout Essentials for AOL Scouts).

Ready Cub 1 Tag